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Caring for the workforce

Caring for the workforce


At Vicat, we cultivate strong community focus. Conscious of our social responsibility as an international industrial group, we carry out CSR actions in all the countries in which we work. With respect to human resources, we are committed to ensuring that all our employees work under the highest safety conditions and, taking account of the diversity of profiles, have equal opportunities and a rich and open career. 

contenu engagement


of Group employees are on open-term contracts


Fatal workplace accidents among Group employees


on the Gender Equality Index

cement production

Working in safe surroundinds

The health and safety not just of employees but also of subcontractors on our sites is our top priority. In 2019 Vicat continued to implement its “zero accident” strategy and boosted its workplace health and safety culture by working on exemplarity, rigor, and commitment.

The Group thus succeeded in achieving a hitherto unequaled accident-frequency rate in 2019:

  • 5.2. At constant scope of consolidation, the number of lost-time workplace accidents dropped by 8% between 2018 and 2019.
  • Taking account of acquisitions, the drop is still 3% (with an increase of close to 1,000 in the headcount over this period).

Nurturing inclusion

The Vicat group continues to ensure social inclusion, both in the implementation of its policies with respect to employees and in the interests of the local populations in the places where it works.

Collaborateur du Groupe sur notre site de Saint-Jean-le-Vieux
Thierry Chenu

Stressing an intergenerational policy for the workforce, employment, and skills

Its focus on social inclusion generates actions in favor of diversity and against discrimination, and is expressed through its determination to give its workforce the stability of unlimited-duration employment contracts (93% of the Group’s workforce in 2019).

Recruitment, training, pay, and promotion policies guarantee that age cannot be a discriminating factor. The profiles of junior and senior employees recruited in 2019 illustrate the result of our policies. Special attention is paid to the training of employees so as to maintain the highest levels in terms of skills and performance.

Greater awareness of job facilitation for persons with disabilities

Disabled workers accounted for 2.5% of our French workforce in 2019.

The same job facilitation policy is deployed internationally, particularly in Italy (4.1%), Brazil (2.6%), and Turkey (2.6%). Much has been done to guide the Group’s employees towards greater awareness and acceptance of disabilities.

With the support of the Louis Vicat Foundation, for which disability is a priority, the target for 2020 is to continue to:

  • Raise awareness and give training regarding persons with disabilities;
  • Increase direct employment of persons with disabilities to reach a figure of 3.8% in 2020 (the French national average);
  • Develop direct employment by entering into contracts with the sheltered sector.
Sport dans la ville à la carrière de Barraux

Concern for persons alienated from employment

The Group deploys an active training and recruitment policy aimed at persons alienated from the workplace. In India, for example, close to 400 villagers (often illiterate and uneducated) received training that enabled them to then become employees at the Kalburgi and Bharathi cement plants.

And Vicat responded positively to a call by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, by joining the “La France une chance, les entreprises s’engagent” and PAQTE initiatives for increasing the number of apprenticeships and employing people in Top-Priority Neighborhoods (TPN) and Rural Revitalization Zones (RRZ); after training dispensed directly by the Vicat group in most cases, recruits from TPNs and RRZs were employed immediately under unlimited-duration contracts.

Intensive partnerships with not-for-profits devoted to social mainstreaming like Sport dans la Ville, Tous en Stage, Institut Télémaque, AFIPH, Les Entreprises pour la Cité and organizations dedicated to job training and creation like Écoles de la 2e chance and Mission Locale job centers have turned commitment into fact.

Logo Les entreprises s'engagent
Les entreprises s'engagent

Œuvrer pour une société plus inclusive 

Vicat est fier de faire partie de la communauté Les entreprises s’engagent qui fédère, partout en France, des entreprises afin d'œuvrer pour une société plus inclusive. 

Index égalité femmes-hommes
Nicolas Robin

Ensuring gender equality

Gender equality is one of the essential aspects of the Group’s human-resources policy.

In accordance with the culture of the countries where Vicat works, appropriate steps are taken to ensure that women can find employment and training and that they are treated equitably in terms of pay and promotion.

In 2019 the Group continued what it has been doing to “degender” jobs in the minds of recruiters (in-house and externally) and job applicants. In France, it is systematically requested that women applicants also be proposed for jobs typically occupied by men.

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