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Board of directors

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors composed of at least five and no more than twelve members from amongst the shareholders, appointed by the General Meeting of shareholders for a term of three or six years. On March 7, 2014, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Guy Sidos as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Jacques Merceron-Vicat as Honorary Chairman of the Company.

Documents to download

20241031_Règlement intérieur du Conseil d'administration Vicat.pdf
Download the file (239ko)
Règlement intérieur du Comité d'audit Vicat
Download the file (173ko)

Governance Principes

The behavior of a company is just as important as its economic performance or the quality of its products.
At Vicat, ever since the company was founded in 1853, ethics has always been an essential avenue for improving global performance in keeping with our values.

The purpose of this Confidentiality and Ethics Charter is to define the main rules that apply to employees of the Vicat Group insofar as they are likely to have access to privileged information, and relating to the management of risks associated with the possession, disclosure or possible use of privileged information.

Documents to download

Confidentiality and Securities Trading Code of Conduct
Download the file (175ko)
Charte Deontologie Boursiere - 2022
Download the file (250ko)


Vicat aspires to be the local yardstick as a partner and supplier of innovative materials, products, and services for building the world of today and tomorrow on the basis of the principles of short supply chains and circular economy.

Our commitments in terms of social, societal, and environmental responsibility respond to the issues of energy, ecological, demographic, and social transition.

Internal Control

"According to the AMF (French Financial Market Authority) terms of reference, which the Company has chosen to apply, internal control is a measure used to ensure: "

  • compliance with laws and regulations
  • application of the instructions and directions set by General Management;
  • proper operation of Group internal processes, in particular those serving to protect assets;
  • reliability of financial information

The Group pays particular attention to internal control issues in the countries where it works. As a result, it sets up procedures at the level of each operational subsidiary to take account of the specific features of the markets on which the Group operates.

These procedures

  • are subject to periodical verification by the local workforce,
  • are supervised by financial controllers sent to each operational subsidiary by Group Management,
  • and are verified by the Group Financial Department, by the Group's Internal Audit Service, and by the auditors of the different companies.


For any transmission of the Solvency Financial Condition Report for the year, please send a request by post to the following address:

32-36 Boulevard d'Avranches
L-1160 Luxembourg