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Working with construction in the commercial building sector

Sous-titre bannière
To take part in the evolutions taking place in the commercial building sector, we offer a range of very-high-performance Vicat cements whose characteristics are as diverse as they can be specific.
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Concrete silos a new landmark in Alabama

Résumé accroche
Grâce à l’expertise de notre filiale américaine Kirkpatrick Concrete (KCI), le chantier des silos pour l’entreprise agroalimentaire Koch Foods, s’est déroulé en un temps records.

Meret Oppenheim High-Rise: taking to the air with sand-lime bricks

Résumé accroche

Pour la tour Meret Oppenheim Hochhaus (Bâle, Suisse), Creabeton Matériaux a fourni des briques silico-calcaires pour l’aménagement intérieur.


Paving for creative spirits

Résumé accroche
Aménager les espaces extérieurs de la résidence universitaire de l’Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Zurich fut le défi lancé à notre filiale suisse Creabeton Matériaux.

Our solutions

The commercial-building market is going through an upheaval, and has to meet increasingly stringent functional requirements while at the same time complying with environmental standards.

In response to the new demands of commercial buildings, we have developed functionalized concretes that ensure optimum living comfort at work. We also offer special concretes with high levels of performance: high strength, reduced creep, improved durability, freeze-thaw resistance, resistance to deicing salts, etc.

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