One label for all our low-carbon solutions
In following the trajectory it has set itself for carbon neutrality throughout its value chain, Vicat is pleased to present its low-carbon product range: DECA. What is special about DECA? The label encompasses a series of low-carbon ratings. Our DECA range is a response to France’s new RE2020 environmental regulations and to the world’s key environmental challenges as a whole.

“As the world population grows and its consumption intensifies, transforming our production methods so as to prevent the exhaustion of resources and too great a temperature rise, currently a serious threat hanging over the entire planet, has become a matter of the utmost urgency. With DECA, which combines a lower carbon balance, a high level of efficiency, and short-haul materials, we propose increasingly innovative and more sustainable construction solutions to meet the challenges of construction and the requirements of our customers.”
Didier Petetin, COO

DECA low-carbon concretes
DECA low-carbon concretes are available for the following construction segments:
- building (structural, finishings,
- civil engineering,
- suppliers (wholesale and retail outlets),
- precasting.
They cover all applications, i.e. general-purpose concrete, floor-slab concrete, wall concrete, self-consolidating and self-leveling concrete, fair-face concrete, and exterior decorative concrete.
DECA mix designs can be developed for the specific requirements and technical criteria of all kinds of applications. Every 10 m3 of DECA concrete produced represents a 1-metric-ton reduction in CO2 emissions, i.e. the amount generated by a Paris–New York return flight.
To lighten the carbon impact of concrete deliveries, we can use our Oxygène hybrid mixer trucks to supply customers. These eco-responsible transit mixers emit 97% less CO2 than standard mixer trucks. In other words, for every 25 delivery kilometers, they emit 10 kg of CO2 less per cubic meter of concrete carried.

DECA low-carbon concrete for France’s first autonomous building, in Grenoble
We supplied concrete for construction of ABC (Autonomous Building for Citizens), France’s first autonomous building, in Grenoble. The building developed jointly by contractor Bouygues Construction and architectural consultancy Valode & Pistre, called for 3,600 m3 of DECA2 concrete for the foundations, floor slabs, and internal and external walls.
The concrete made with Naturat CEM IV cement reduced carbon emissions by 30%.