Ready-mixed concrete
Concrete is a 'fresh', ready-to-use product
Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, water, and admixtures. Depending on the quantities of the respective raw materials and the way in which it is batched (mixed), the finished product will display different characteristics. At Vicat, we produce a wide range of ready-mixed concretes (RMC) for different applications. Their features? They meet very precise standards and requirements in terms of ease of use, aesthetics, and performance: tensile and compressive strength, durability, setting time, ease of placement and ‘workability’ under different climate and construction conditions.

Vicat batching plants close to construction projects
We produce concrete in batching plants located close to construction sites, i.e. between 20 and 30 km away. Given its setting time, concrete must be delivered to the place where it is used within no more than two hours. We also operate mobile batching plants on our customers’ sites, in accordance with their needs.
From production to delivery
Our ready-mixed concrete batching plants are equipped with:
· a storage area: silos containing cement, sand, and gravel, and storage tanks holding the various admixtures (such as plasticizers),
· a mixer for combining the required quantities of the different concrete ingredients
· mixer trucks—with rotating drums—into which the concrete is discharged for delivery to construction sites
Very precise manufacturing process
The characteristics and performance of a given concrete are dependent upon exacting criteria:
· a very precise mix design, especially with respect to water content
· a rigorously respected production cycle that complies with precise standards, especially with respect to continuous and uniform mixing.
Our concrete batching plants are automated to meet all these requirements and to ensure the reliability of the process.
Our facilities
- Brazil
- France
- Switzerland
- United States
- Turkey
Vicat's concrete expertise
Our different kinds of concrete
We propose a comprehensive offering of ready-mixed concretes that will satisfy the specific requirements of every project: decorative concretes, self-leveling concretes, self-consolidating concretes, road concretes, architectural concretes, civil-engineering concretes. The manufacture of all these concretes takes account of environmental, quality, and safety considerations.
Our technical expertise
Due to our expertise and strict quality control, we are able to supply concretes with special technical characteristics to meet the requirements of every jobsite. The properties involved include:
· setting time
· pumpability
· placement
· climate conditions
· shrinkage
· structural strength.
These different technical properties are obtained by:
· varying the proportions of cement and aggregate
· adding admixtures: set retarders or accelerators
· replacing some of the cement by products derived from other industries, such as fly ash or blast-furnace slag.
Broad range of Vicat concretes
The concretes we produce are the result of work performed developed by our research and development laboratory. They correspond to 4 categories:
· regular concrete: determined by a type of cement and a 28-day compressive strength to achieve a strength range of 20 to 40 MPa
· high-performance concrete (HPC): custom-manufactured to special mix designs, particularly as regards cement content, for a strength range of 60 to 100 MPa
· fiber-reinforced concrete: designed for enhanced crack resistance, enabling construction of more slender structures. BCV (Béton Composite Vicat) concrete is an example
· special concretes: tailored solutions developed and fine-tuned in our laboratory to meet highly specific customer requirements
Our laboratory enables us to offer concretes that are increasingly easy to place. We also offer new horizons for applications.
Did you know?
Our subsidiary SATM Grands Travaux operates stationary batching plants installed on major construction sites to produce ready-made concrete for use in infrastructure projects such as high-speed railroads, freeway bridges, nuclear power plants, canal locks, airports, dams, etc. in France and internationally. In addition to manufacturing concrete, SATM is a recognized partner for major projects, providing services such as supply of materials, transport, and pumping.

SATM Grands Travaux
Une offre sur-mesure
Notre filiale SATM Grands Travaux travaille avec des centrales fixes de chantiers pour la production de béton prêt à l'emploi destiné à la construction d'infrastructures telles que des lignes TGV, des ouvrages d'art autoroutiers, des centrales nucléaires, des écluses, des aéroports, des barrages… en France et à l’international. Outre la fabrication du béton, SATM est reconnu comme un véritable partenaire de vos grands projets pour la fourniture de matériaux, de transport et de pompage.
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