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Building comfortable, sustainable housing

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With our innovative solutions for individual and collective housing, we can adapt to your every wish!
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Sprayed hempcrete fills a place in eco-construction

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Construite à Brioude (Auvergne), la première maison individuelle en projection de béton de chanvre a vu le jour.

Facelift for Palais Baréty

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Le ciment naturel PROMPT UP Vicat s’est imposé pour redonner vie aux éléments de façade du palais Baréty à Nice.


Oberfeld : ecologically exemplary neighborhood

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Dans le quartier d’Oberfeld à Ostermundigen, en Suisse, l’habitat est conçu autour de la durabilité sous toutes ses formes. Chantier signé Ciments Vigier.

Our solutions

We offer a wide range of innovative, sustainable Vicat materials for individual homes and collective housing. Why? To optimize the reliability, aesthetics, and thermal and acoustic performance of buildings.

Vicat concrete is particularly suitable for the construction and renovation of individual homes and social housing. Several highly specialized ready-to-use solutions are available for improving the comfort and wellbeing of occupants (thermal and acoustic performance, air quality) and ensuring their safety (protection against fire and earthquakes). With this they combine high energy efficiency and the possibility of respecting the most atypical designs.

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